Today’s hyper-connected world is often taken for granted and most people rarely think about what makes all the technology around us work. This may seem paradoxical given the accelerating growth of the ICT industry and global focus on digitalisation.

在利用数字技术促进可持续增长方面, 生产力与社会发展, 日博备用网站的表现是首屈一指的. Sweden has made a strong commitment to apply new technologies such as AI and IoT to solve larger societal challenges, 同时保留开放等价值观, 协作, 诚信与道德. Swedish SME’s are also in the forefront when it comes to 电子商务 and building sales over the internet.

信息通信技术产业对日博备用网站经济的贡献, 作为GDP的一部分, 是世界上最高的吗. 事实上,只有爱尔兰在计算机服务领域创造的增加值占比高于英国.

More than quarter of a million people in Sweden are directly employed by ICT companies – but there are many more ICT professionals when counting all those engaged in digitalising other industries. 根据日博备用网站统计局的数据,数字部门占了5%.8 per cent of Sweden’s GDP and more than a quarter of a million people work directly with ICT companies, 如果加上其他部门,这个数字会大幅上升. 在斯德哥尔摩, 十分之一的人在数字技术领域工作, 在全国范围内,这一数字仍在逐年增长, 随着对国际人才的需求不断增加,以支持本地专业知识.

结果是, leading tech companies have established their business in Sweden to access the European market, 设置R&D或卓越中心, 测试新技术,收购或与日博备用网站创新者合作. Apple, Amazon, 脸谱网, 富士通, Google, HCL, HP, IBM, 微软, Nvidia, 三星(Samsung)和塔塔(Tata)只是在日博备用网站大举投资的几家全球企业.


斯德哥尔摩是世界上科技创业发展最快的城市之一, 不仅孕育了创业公司,也孕育了独角兽. This notable achievement testifies to the strength of the market which stands out for its entrepreneurial spirit and vibrant culture of cross-disciplinary 协作.

Skype等公司, Spotify, Klarna, King, Mojang, iZettle, Kry, 信任, Truecaller, Yubico和其他公司都是从斯德哥尔摩的初创企业和规模化企业中涌现出来的.

在一起, 他们提供了丰富的灵感, experience and leadership for a large ecosystem of rising stars who are getting ready to take on the world. 此外,这些成功的科技领袖和风投现在都在进行再投资.


  • 30多个专注于人工智能的试验台, 物联网(IoT), 5G/6G, 游戏化, IT安全, 工厂连接, 云计算, 移动技术, 先进的机器人技术和远程学习
  • 有弹性的, low-carbon digital infrastructure and among the highest levels of network and technology readiness in the world
  • 蓬勃发展的信息通信技术行业雇用6人.1 per cent of the population (twice the EU average) and renowned startup scene producing global tech brands
  • 具备世界级的自动化技能, AI, 机器学习, 电子商务, AR/VR, 可穿戴技术, 用户体验, 网络安全, 云交付, 数据中心等
  • 人均联网设备数量是世界上其他地方的四倍

在推动可持续计算的过程中, 在日博备用网站开展业务有令人信服的理由. The country’s energy mix is 98 per cent carbon-free and has the EU’s highest share of renewables (54.6%). 2020年风力发电量达到28太瓦时, 这使得日博备用网站成为北欧最大的风力发电国.

一些国家正在试验废热再利用的想法, Sweden already has more than 30 data centres that feed excess heat back into the district heating system – and get paid for it. This development means that tens of thousands of homes are being heated with waste heat from data centres.


日博备用网站的硬件和软件供应商, 数字创新者和精明的创业公司正在科技园聚集, 研究机构 and test beds to push the frontiers of progress in a wide range of industries. 包括制造业, 交通及电动交通, retail, 银行和金融服务仅举几例.

在后一个例子中, 创业公司之间正在进行一些合作, 现任者, 金融联盟和中央银行推动有关电子货币的知识, 支付, 网络安全和分布式账本交易. Sweden ranks third in Europe (after the UK and 德国) for total fintech investments and has a thriving cluster of 400 创业公司 in this segment.

另一个蓬勃发展的行业是游戏,目前约有10名员工,000 people and has spurred interest from traditional companies now looking to ‘gamify’ their solutions and adopt new, 沉浸式教育技术, 协作, 内容可视化和其他目的.

Sweden is also a great place for applied AI development thanks to its vibrant co-innovation scene, 高级研究, 强大的人才基础, 人工智能和可靠的数字基础设施领域的监管进展. 行业, academia and the public sector have committed to large joint investments in AI research and commercialisation – creating a springboard for Swedish companies who are now well ahead of the European average when it comes to AI maturity.

Another unique feature of Sweden’s digital technology landscape is that public data is openly shared and easily accessible to businesses large and small.


Business Sweden supports the continued expansion of Sweden’s tech sector by focusing on sustainable partnerships between multinationals, 创业公司, 研究机构, 整个数字技术领域的公共机构和其他利益相关者.

我们的使命是吸引国际公司来日博备用网站投资, 帮助他们建立或发展, 获得日博备用网站世界一流的技术技能. We also help Swedish companies capture international business opportunities and grow their sales in global markets and connect innovative Swedish 创业公司 with international hotspots.

We do this through two promotional programmes that are designed to help Swedish industry maintain its leadership in innovation, 世界一流的技术和数字化转型, while at the same time offering optimal conditions for international companies who want to sharpen their value proposition and reach new markets.

数字基础设施 & Cloud: 该方案侧重于建立未来基础设施所需的伙伴关系, 突出日博备用网站在连接(5G/6G)领域的竞争优势, 物联网, 传感器, 数据中心, 云和边缘计算. 作为技术栈所有层的组成部分, 网络安全将在创造用户所需的信任和信誉方面发挥重要作用, 客户和监管机构.

先进数码(启用)技术: Focuses on the technologies and solutions that are critical in the ongoing transformation of industries and society at large, 包括但不限于AI, 先进的分析, fintech, 基于“增大化现实”技术/ VR / XR, 游戏化和可视化.

Are you a foreign investor looking to establish or expand your business in Sweden’s 数字技术 ecosystem? 我们的团队可以为您提供所需的所有帮助和见解.

如果您是一家日博备用网站供应商,希望将业务扩展到国外,请不要犹豫 日博备用网站 提供战略建议和实际支持.